Buku Catatan Interaktif; Binatang Apa Pula Ini?
Fungsi Buku Catatan Interaktif
1. Sebagai media/alat pembelajaran metode inkuiri. Dengan menggunakan buku ini, metode inkuiri akan menjadi lebih "berotot" dalam mengasah skill belajar dan pemahaman siswa. Ibaratnya, metode inkuiri ketemu jodoh yang saling menguatkan.
2. Sebagai media komunikasi antara guru dan siswa, guru dan orang tua siswa, dan antara guru dan manajemen sekolah. Buku ini jelas akan menjadi bukti otentik sejauh mana pemahaman dan proses belajar siswa, sehingga bisa digunakan oleh semua stake holder (guru, sekolah dan orang tua) untuk mengatur strategi untuk membantuk kelancaran studi siswa.
3. Sebagai media pencatatan semua proses belajar siswa dan bahan belajar siswa. Semua proses berfikir, pertanyaan, data, analisa dan kesimpulan terekam semua di sini, sehingga siswa bisa mentrace proses mendapatkan pengetahuan dan konsep, dan ini nantinya akan berguna bagi proses belajar selanjutnya di mana siswa ketika siswa mendapatkan suatu konsep baru dan berhubungan dengan konsep yang sudah pernah dipelajarinya, dia akan merujuk ke unit/topik tersebut di dalam buku ini.
Manfaat Buku Catatan Interaktif
1. Manfaat bagi siswa:
- Membantu meningkatkan kemampuan pengorganisasian (organization skill).
- Meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir siswa.
- Siswa menjadi lebih kreatif dalam mengekspresikan pemahamannya.
- Guru bisa mengetahui proses penyerapan materi pelajaran yang diberikan sehingga nantinya bisa merancang bantuan bagi siswa yang membutuhkannya.
- Orang tua juga bisa mengetahui perkembangan anaknya di sekolah secara langsung. Ini akan membantu tugas guru untuk memahamkan orang tua mengenai perkembangan siswa.
- Guru bisa menggunakan buku ini sebagai alat formative assessment (apa ini, akan dijelaskan di bagian lain).
Interactive Science Recorrd book (Interactive Science Notebook) is a tool
(tools) that support the learning process with the method of inquiry
(inquiry-based teaching method). This
tool was developed by taking inspiration from the record books
scientists (scientists) original daily lives struggling with an attempt
to gain a deeper understanding of nature and everything in it. Original
notebook is derived and developed in the United States to support the
students' learning abilities grinding there, especially the 21st Century
Skill (21st Century Skills). Although
this tool was originally developed for the fields of science, but its
use has now been extended to all fields of study such as English,
History, Geography, Civics, perhaps it could also be applied in
Indonesia for Religion class. Thereare many reference sources available on the internet if you are
interested to know more in depth, but for the more trivial, as the party
has been using this tool, I will share the things that relate to this
book, reckoning as "introduction". Now's look first what functions, benefits and advantages this tool.
Function Interactive Notebook1. As a media / inquiry method of learning tools. By using this book, methods of inquiry would be more "muscular" in honing skills and understanding of student learning. Supposing, inquiry method of reinforcing mate met.2. As a medium of communication between teachers and students, teachers and parents, and between teachers and school management. This book will clearly be the authentic proof of the extent of students' understanding and learning process, so that it can be used by all stakeholders (teachers, schools and parents) to set the strategy for the smooth membantuk studies students.3. As all recording media student learning and student learning materials. All thought processes, questions, data, analysis and conclusions recorded all here, so that students can gain knowledge and mentrace process concepts, and this will be useful for subsequent learning process in which students when students gain a new concept and related concepts are ever learned, he would refer to the unit / topic mentioned in this book.
Benefits of Interactive Notebook1. Benefits for students:
Help improve the ability of the organization (organization skills).
Improve students' thinking skills.
Students to be more creative in expressing his understanding.
2. Benefits for teachers:
Teachers can find out the process of absorption of a given subject matter that will be able to design assistance for students who need it.
Parents can also determine the development of children in schools directly. This will help teachers to understand the task of parents about student progress.
Teachers can use this book as a formative assessment tool (what is this, will be explained later).
Function Interactive Notebook1. As a media / inquiry method of learning tools. By using this book, methods of inquiry would be more "muscular" in honing skills and understanding of student learning. Supposing, inquiry method of reinforcing mate met.2. As a medium of communication between teachers and students, teachers and parents, and between teachers and school management. This book will clearly be the authentic proof of the extent of students' understanding and learning process, so that it can be used by all stakeholders (teachers, schools and parents) to set the strategy for the smooth membantuk studies students.3. As all recording media student learning and student learning materials. All thought processes, questions, data, analysis and conclusions recorded all here, so that students can gain knowledge and mentrace process concepts, and this will be useful for subsequent learning process in which students when students gain a new concept and related concepts are ever learned, he would refer to the unit / topic mentioned in this book.
Benefits of Interactive Notebook1. Benefits for students:
Help improve the ability of the organization (organization skills).
Improve students' thinking skills.
Students to be more creative in expressing his understanding.
2. Benefits for teachers:
Teachers can find out the process of absorption of a given subject matter that will be able to design assistance for students who need it.
Parents can also determine the development of children in schools directly. This will help teachers to understand the task of parents about student progress.
Teachers can use this book as a formative assessment tool (what is this, will be explained later).
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