Wednesday, April 24, 2013

All about plants for highschool (XI graders)

Topik tentang plant tissue termasuk materi yang biasanya tidak terlalu disukai anak anak di kelas, so we have to make some activities to make it interesting. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan, saya mengajak siswa siswa untuk menjadi "presenter" dalam topik topik ini. I gave them thhe soft copy of material, selanjutanya siswa akan edit tampilan sesuai tema yang mereka sukai. dan mereka membuat permainan dan juga poster terkait dengan topik yang akan dibahas. Serunya poster poster yang telah mereka buat, mentusul akan saya tamilkan photo poster siswa dengan senang hati..
Berikut adalah power point hasil kolaborasi dengan siswa;

Topics on plant tissue including material that is usually not favored students in the class, so we have to make some activities to make it interesting. One way that is done, I invite students to students to be a "presenter" in the topic of this topic. I gave them them soft copy of the material, next students will edit the display according to the theme they like. and they made ​​a game and also poster associated with subject to be discussed. They made a very beautifull and creative posters! Soon i will post the photograph of posters.

Here are some power point results from our collaboration with students;

1. Plant physiology/ fisiologi tumbuhsndownload
2. Plant Hormones/ hormon pada tumbuhan download
3. Plant movement/ gerak pada tumbuhan download
4. Gaseous exchange in plant download
5. "digestion in plant download


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