Infuse Banana Fruit with High Calcium from Waste Materials of Fish Bone, Chicken Bone, and Egg Shell.
Ade Nur Azizah and Richa Rachmawati Afag.2011. Infuse Banana Fruit with High Calcium from Waste Materials of Fish Bone, Chicken Bone, and Egg Shell. Subject: Environmental. Supervisors: Dwi Eldina, Kuntoro Budiyano
Calcium is the mineral in the body in large quantities.Nowadays many people do not care about the importance of calcium, because some people think that calcium is only in milk,and it is expensive to consume milk in a long term.Consequently,some people get some illness that caused by lack of enough calcium.Actually besides milk, people may consume banana as the alternative to increase calcium for their health.To facilitate people to get enough calcium, then we make a research about this.Our problems statements that we have taken are how is the concept of utilization of organic waste materials (fish bone,chicken bone,and egg shell) as the useful waste materials, how is the potency of waste materials to form high calcium through the banana fruit and how do we applywaste materials through the banana fruit.
This research aim to determine the concept of utilization of organic waste materials as the useful waste materials,determine the potency of waste materials to form high calcium through the banana fruit , and apply the waste materials through the banana fruit that we expected could reduce the problem of calcium deficiency.This research was done around the SMA SEMESTA and the analysis was done in Chemistry Laboratory of Unnes, in October-December 2011 with the consideration where the area of SMA SEMESTA is found many waste materials that could be observed and reused.The independent variable which is studied in this research is the amount of calcium ion inwaste materials and the dependent variable is amount of calcium ion which is found in banana fruit after given the waste materials.
Based on the calcium ion experiment, shows that the banana fruit which is infused by 1% bone waste has the average result of 638.3334 mg/kg sample of ion calcium. Meanwhile the banana fruit which is infused by 2% bone waste obtains 898.3332 mg/kg sample of ion calcium. It can be inferred that the latter has higher ion calcium than the control experiment since it has only 388.3334 mg/kg sample of ion calcium. Whereas, if it is given Kalsidek, the calcium obtain is 828.3332 mg/kg sample. With increased levels of 1% calcium infusion increased 64.337% compared to control, and the banana with infusion of 2% calcium from waste materials levels increased 131,33% compared to control. The conclusion of this research is banana fruit which are infused by 2% waste materials (fish bone, chicken bone, and egg shell) contains higher calcium than the control experiment.
Keywords : banana,calcium,waste materials, fish bone, chicken bone,egg shell
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